Self Assessment of performance of Jazz Sequence [14TH DEC 2022]

In todays lesson we Performed the Jazz Sequence that we had bee learning over the past 4 weeks.
When it came to my own personal performance of the piece there were many clear strengths and weaknesses that I displayed.


Movement memory -

When it comes to the dance, I was able to effectively recall the whole piece spontaneously . This can be seen throughout the video as in no points did I stop or visually mess up.

Music -

When it comes to the music of the piece I was able to effectively follow it whilst also interpretation it to be my own so that it flowed and worked for me. This can be seen done well as when certain beats of the music appeared, more emphasis was put onto the moves being done. This can be seen throughout as my movements flowed with the pace of the music and the lyrics that were being sung.

Focus -

During this piece I kept a constant focus on the movements and the way that I needed to perform it. Along with this even if I felt I slightly messed up I did not show clear signs of this or go off track from the dance but instead just carried on. This can be seen throughout the piece as I stayed to myself and did not drift off and look at the other person that I was performing besides. 

Discipline -

When it comes to the dance and performance of this piece I show clear signs of discipline in that I kept going even if I felt slightly off when it came to my performance. Although this can not be visually seen during the piece, I myself know that I kept going even when I felt that a move was slightly done wrong or out of time.

Rhythm - 

As can be seen in the dance, I tried to keep a constant rhythm when it came to my moves. However I did go off rhythm slightly when a move went slightly wrong, so this is something that can be improved. When you watch the video of my performance you can see that I tried to stick to an 8 count rhythm, However at points I did stop performing in this if I felt I needed to slow down and or allow time for a movement to continue.

Making it your own -

When it came to the piece I allowed my body to take control and flow with the music how it felt it should go. Which in turn allows me to be able to make this piece my own. Although you cannot tell from the video that I interpreted the piece to be my own, I Myself know that my performance of this piece differed from the others that were also performing the same piece.

Posture -

Personally, I believe that I kept a constant upright posture that allowed my performance of the piece come across as confident and well known. This can be seen during the piece as a whole but especially in the starting walks. 

Flexibility -

When it comes to flexibility you can see that I effectively used it when it comes to some of the movements that I performed. For example, in the backwards roll that I did and the sliding down to the floor during the piece. 


Strength -

When it comes to strength I believe that this is a key area that I need to improve as my arms during the whole piece appeared to be sloppy and not very strong during the piece. So if I was to come back and do this piece I would make sure to focus of strengthening my arms during the piece and also strengthening up some of the general movements.

Jazz Technique -

When it comes to my Jazz technique, it can be massively improved as my performance of Jazz dance was not as effective and well rehearsed as it could have been. So when it comes to this I believe with more rehearsals and lessons focused on Jazz dance it could improve my over all technique.

Dynamics -

When it comes to the dynamics of the piece, I believe that I could put more emphasis on certain moves along with drawing them out so that they fill the music more and make it more of an immersive piece. So if I was to come back and do this piece or a similar piece again, I would make sure to spend time on focusing on how I can make different moves more powerful and create a clear contrast between the highs and the lows of the piece.

Expression -

Unfortunately, during the piece my expressions were lost due to me focusing more on the piece and less on how I should be emotionally performing it to the audience. So, if I was to do this piece again, I would make sure to add more emotion to my performance and perform more out and to the audience and less just to myself.

Rhythm -

When it comes to the rhythm during the whole piece I did not effectively stick to it due to moves messing up which meant I elongated them to mask this. So if I was to do this again I would then go over it more to try and finalise the piece so that I could stay more in time with the rhythm. 
