Physical Skills [23/09/2022]
When it comes to dance being flexible and having high flexibility is very helpful and can assist you when you are doing a certain type of dance style. A flexible dancer is commonly someone who is able to move a joint through its entire range of motion with ease.
When it comes to dance, balance is a key skill that is needed to help assist the dancer in the dances they are preforming. Balance itself can be defined as a condition in which the body is in a stationary equilibrium without the tendency to topple due to the effects of gravity. One style of dance that balance is key for is ballet, especially when it comes to pointe work.
When it comes to dance, having a high stamina is very helpful in allowing someone being able to keep a high energy throughout a long piece of dance. Stamina is the ability to sustain high energy over a period of time in dance.
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When it comes to dance, strength is another key skill that is very important to have when it comes to being able to hold poses or do moves that only have one point of contact on the floor e.g. turns. Most commonly strength is seen as the ability of an individual to exert a muscular contraction or force against a resistance.
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In dance, having good coordination is key when it comes to preforming a dance in time with other dancers and/or keeping in time with the music. Coordination is most commonly known as the ability to use different parts of the body at the same time smoothly and efficiently.
My application of physical skills
In this video you can see that my leg kicks quite high while my hips remain centred. This shows flexibility as it shows that i am using all of my range of motion in that joint.
In this video you can see that i am preforming a piece from six that is quite high energy whilst sustaining a constant energy throughout. This then shows my use of the skill stamina and how effectively i am using it.
In this image i am holding a position of one leg whilst staying still. Not only does this show my use of the physical skill balance, it also shows how i am using strength to hold myself up on one leg and remain still in one position for a long period of time.
In this video you can see that my feet and arm are doing different things but at the same time and i am able to do both at the same time. This in turn shows my use of the skill co-ordination.
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