Key stylistic features of contemporary Dance

 Positions of the feet

In Contemporary Dance, the normal feet position is parallel in which is where you have your feet shoulder width apart with them facing forward. Although second is also sometimes used, Parallel is the main feet position used.

Use of breath to initiate movement

In Contemporary Dance, The use of breath to initiate a  movement is commonly used. This is where your breath will begin and motivate a movement. This is used to help emphasize growing movements. Along with the use of breath giving this effect, it can also provide a greater fluidity of movement and often creates an enduring quality.

Use of the centre/core - contractions

In contemporary Dance, The use of centre/core is important and very commonly used. When we talk about the use of core and centre, we are normally referring to contractions. When it comes to what contractions can portray in Contemporary, they can help add suspense and a slight moment of stillness. Along with this, when contractions and repeated it can help give a rhythmic energy to the movements that are being performed at the time.
Range of ways the spine is used 

In contemporary Dance, when it comes to the spine, it can be used in a variety of ways to help emphasis an emotion that is trying to be displayed. In contemporary dance, it is important to have good spinal mobility and strength. With the use of the spine, it can be used for curving and folding over and other moves and it helps create a nice flow and smoothness if used correctly.

Relationship to gravity 

In contemporary Dance, It is common that the dancer and gravity have a very good relationship as it helps motivate moves and add power and strength to them. With this relationship to gravity it allows us to utilise floor work in an effective way. By have a good relationship with gravity, it can help the dancer feel closer to the earth and connected to their movements of a deeper level of feeling. Also, Gravity is mainly seen to help give a sense of surprise and can help generate new movements such as twists leaps or even falls. 

Floor work

In contemporary Dance, Floor work is what we refer to when we talk about movements performed on the floor. Floorwork is used a lot when it come contemporary dance and helps create a new range of emotions. For the dancers, by using the floor it can give them the feeling of being close to the earth literally and mentally. Floor work is important as it allows dancers to increase their versatility and movement efficiency. With floor work it can help add surprise and emphasis on emotions that are trying to be portrayed in a piece.

Floor work Exercises 

In this warmup we are laying on the floor and exploring the range of movement in our hips along with following it up with our balance and strength. This exercise is very helpful in training our body for when it comes to floor work in contemporary and ways we can get up out of it effectively. 

Other warm ups

In this warmup the use of balance and strength is key to be able to help balance and lift yourself during the end move of the warm up/ exercise. With this exercise, it shows us giving into gravity and using it to help motivate a movement and help a movement to flow aesthetically to the eye.

In this exercise, we are exploring the range of motion we have in our legs whilst keeping our top half still. This helps dancers with the mobility in their feet and legs and helps create a better understanding for the dancers on how they can use their legs and feet.
